Superman v.s. Batman, Batman v.s. Superman, World's Finest... I would call it "acknowledging of Man of Steel's failure".
If Man of Steel had made a billion $, the sequel would not need Batman to ensure the box office. Man of Steel has been profitable but not enough to revamp the Superman franchise. We know the critics, the audience and the fans are -at least- divided. A lot of people did not enjoy Man of Steel and would hardly pay a ticket to watch the sequel.
But there are other reasons to skip another Superman solo movie. Since the Avengers hit the theaters, WB is obsessed with the JLA movie. They are in a hurry. By making a Superman/Batman movie, they want to reintroduce the Batman, develop the Superman character, leave some easter eggs concerning other potential members of the JLA and even a post-credits scene.
Why is this bad for Superman fans?
Because we are not in the 80's anymore and Batman is nowadays the most popular (and profitable) superhero of DC. This means there is a huge bat-fanbase that is going to pay their tickets to see this movie and want their Batman to be at least as cool as Superman. It is highly unlikely to see Batman playing a supporting role in a Superman movie. On the contrary, it is more probable that Batman's coolness and darkness eclipses Superman. Needless to say, if Bale took back the cowl, it would be a Batman movie (as Christopher Reeve/Michael Keaton would have been a Superman movie). Although this is unlike to happen, it is possible that a famous charismatic actor is cast as Bruce Wayne and overshadows Henry Cavill.
Aside the casting, we have reasons to be afraid of the story. We have heard the word "versus" in the hypothetic tittles. Furthermore, Snyder thought it would be a good idea to announce the movie reading a certain passage of Frank Miller's DKR. Why should fans of the more powerful superhero be afraid of a battle against a mere mortal human? Because we know they will follow the classic team-up scheme: they meet, they fight, a bigger threaten appears and defeats them, they team-up, they beat the bad guys, they become friends and realize it is useful to have allies. Because they would give Batman kryptonite or whatever he needs so that he can face Superman, as they have done in Hush, DKR and other comics.
One of the traditional interests of the World's Finest stories was to see the contrasts between the two heros. But that was when Batman was the darkness and Superman the light. Where would be the contrast now that Nolan/Goyer/Snyder batmanized Superman in the name of realism? The name "Superman & Batman: let's go snap some necks" comes to mind... Superman had a home and a happy childhood whereas Batman did not. Superman had clean methods while Batman was more expeditious. But now Superman is traumatized by Jonathan Kent. I am not referring to the absurd death but to the "hide, hide, don't do anything, let everybody die" lectures. Now Superman kills his enemies and destroys cities. Even his suit is dark. I believe the only way to have some contrast would be to get back the 60's Batman with the Batusi and the "holy bananas!".
Let's face it, Batman is human. He is a man in a costume. Everybody could become Batman, and that is the reason why we love him. He is really cool. It is easier to draw Batman, it is easier to write Batman, it is easier to identify yourself with him. It is much more difficult to draw Superman, to write Superman, to make a Superman movie, etc., but, if you succeed... it is magic...
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